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  Mick realized he was excited for his Twisted Steel family to meet and welcome Jessi and Adam. They would, he knew, because they were all his friends and because Jessi and Adam were loveable.

  Duke and Asa were already there, coffee mugs within their reach, several boxes of doughnuts on the counter had been doled out on plates at the table.

  “Saved you the lemon ones,” Asa rumbled as they sat. Mick tipped his chin in thanks.

  “People know I like them and steal them. Assholes.”

  “That’s why we saved you some, whiner,” Duke joked as he sidled next to Carmella, who tried to send him a look to remind him they were at work. A look Duke pointedly ignored.

  She rolled her eyes, but there was a smile on her lips, so it wasn’t so serious.

  “Business first, and then we want details about your weekend,” Asa told Mick as he started the meeting.

  After half an hour talking cars, invoices, and schedules, Carmella headed to her desk while Mick remained in the break room with Asa and Duke.

  “You and Carmella have a good weekend away?” Mick asked Duke.

  Duke nodded. “We needed it. She sure as hell did. We took my parents to the airport and headed west. Stayed on the beach. Took a few long rides on the bike because the weather was so nice.”

  “Your brother?” Mick asked. Duke’s brother had recently attempted suicide and he’d been out of state dealing with it until just several days before.

  “My sister says he’s a little better. He’s got a ways to go before he’s really okay. But for now, it looks like he’s at least trying to get there. Carmella and I, though she doesn’t know this yet, are going to road trip down there in the spring to visit. That way Ginger can come so Carmella won’t worry. I want my family to know her. Not the dog.” Duke snorted. “Carmella.”

  “I think we figured that out,” Asa said before turning to Mick. “Now you. This woman we met at the grand opening, this is the one you’ve been hinting at?”

  “Yes. We got back together this weekend. But… it’s complicated.”

  Duke broke in. “Complicated how? She married? Addicted? What?”

  Mick laughed without humor. “Of all of us, Jessi is the one who is fine. I’m complicated. Adam is complicated. Jessi is perfect. Weird. Delightful. But three? I dunno. It’s what drove me away, part of it anyway. But I can’t fight it anymore. Don’t want to. And once I’d touched her again there was no turning back.” Which was the truth.

  “So, you and her and the dude?” Asa asked. There was no judgment in the tone.

  “The complicated part I referred to includes that.”

  “You’re not going to fuck this up and run off, right?” Duke tipped back in his chair.

  “I already did that and nearly lost her.” In the two days they’d had together, he’d cast off so much shit and had been so happy he knew there was simply nothing to be done but admit he loved them both.

  “Your family?”

  Mick winced. “Yeah, not going to be so accepting. My parents hate Jessi and her family as well as Adam. My brother knows, but I haven’t said anything to anyone else yet.”

  Eventually he’d have to.

  “Why should you?” Duke asked him.

  “Duke,” Asa warned, “chill.”

  Usually it was the other way around: Duke was genial, while Asa pushed.

  “Fuck chill. His family are assholes. He has us. And he has Jessi and Adam now, so whatever. They didn’t want him loving anyone. You think they’re going to be loving when they find out? He’s not just bi, but with two people at the same time?” Duke, fully agitated, let his chair right itself and leveled his gaze on Mick. “Do not let them tear you apart.”

  “We won’t let them,” Asa added.

  Mick looked back and forth between them, these two brothers he’d been lucky enough to have in his life.

  “They came to the grand opening,” Mick said. “Which is more than I thought they’d do. My dad had read up on the shop. I’d like to think they’d come around. Or be civil at the very least.”

  Empty words.

  Mick knew they wouldn’t come around. It wasn’t the bi thing when it came to Jessi. It was that Jessi dared to love him in her own way. And in doing so, made his parents face their own shortcomings. So they clung to their religion and used that, but it was really because Jessi did what she wanted and no one could stop her. Adam would tear shit apart to make her happy, as would Mick.

  Duke lowered his voice because the sound of people streaming into work would hit the off button on this conversation after not too much longer. “You have a family. Some of them are the ones born to you and the rest you’ve collected. You don’t need these people to make you feel like shit all the time.”

  They headed out to the shop floor. Asa paused at the front end of a ’59 Chevy he’d been slowly coaxing back to glory, pounded-out dent by pounded-out dent. “Bring them to the track Wednesday night so we can get to know them.”

  “They’re family too?” Mick teased.

  But Asa’s expression was serious—to be fair, it was his go-to expression—as he shook his head. “No fuckin’ joke. You are my brother. Like Duke is. Of course they’re family. That’s how we get through shit.”

  That meant more to Mick than he could ever put into words. So he nodded. “Thanks. I’ll ask them.”

  There was still a knot in his stomach. One he’d had most of his life. The knot that told him he was different. Not good enough because he refused to be the same as everyone else.

  But it was smaller than it had been a year ago. Smaller than it was just five days before.

  He allowed himself to believe that someday it might be gone.

  Wye Oak had been playing very loud as Jessi and her mother worked together in her studio to finish the seed pearls over the bodice and skirt of the wedding dress she hoped to finish by week’s end.

  “I do love this music, Jessilyn,” Addie said. “But perhaps it’s loud because you don’t want to talk about whatever might have gone on between you, Adam, and Mick Friday evening.” Addie continued to work. “Of course, if you don’t want to talk, it’s all right. You don’t need to hide from me under loud music.”

  Jessi turned the volume down to a far more reasonable level. “I’m not avoiding so much as I just don’t know how to even begin to talk about it.”

  “Are you worried that Daddy and I won’t love you anymore if we find out you’re in love with two men who love you back with the same depth?”

  “It would be nice if sometimes you didn’t know exactly what I was thinking,” Jessi muttered. “I’m not really worried you won’t love me. But it’s not a usual relationship. Mick’s family is going to freak out. Adam’s, if they notice, won’t be happy either.”

  “None of them are us. Jessilyn, we love you. We respect you. We’re proud of you and the woman you’ve grown into. Daddy and I trust your decisions. And we love Mick and Adam. I just worry they’ll hurt you again.”

  Jessi shrugged. “It’s unavoidable that we’ll hurt one another. We did before they ran off scared too. It’s how things work. Mick is like…” the other half of her heart. The person who she’d turned to more than anyone other than the person sitting across from her.

  They continued to work as Jessi thought, but her mom didn’t push. Another thing she loved about Addie.

  “When I’m with Adam and Mick, it feels right. But I know there are things that’ll come up and challenge us. I worry about Mick’s heart when it comes to his parents. It’s not only that they’ll disapprove, his father will make that known in ways that could devastate Mick.”

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened between you and Michael’s father? It’s clear there’s something you’ve been avoiding talking about. More than whatever happened to drive Mick away.”

  Which had been bad enough. As for the other confrontation? Jessi hadn’t told anyone the details other than there’d been an exchange of some harsh words. The details, the big ones anyway,
she’d never told anyone. And now she’d been boxed in because love had made her relax and get lazy. Addie was loving and sweet, but she was sharp. Didn’t miss anything, and Jessi had a feeling this time she wasn’t going to be able to talk her way around it.

  “I told you. He was unpleasant. He said unpleasant things.” She didn’t want to stir any more shit. Didn’t want any more angry words. Didn’t want to remember how helpless one person could make her feel.

  “What unpleasant things?”

  “Mom, drop it.”

  Addie put her work aside. “Sweetheart, now I most certainly can’t. Does Mick know whatever happened?”

  “It’s over and done with. There was no point in telling Mick.” Mick had gone anyway.

  “Did you tell Adam?”

  Jessi sighed. “No. He knows something bad happened, but not specifics. And I don’t want him to. They’d be so angry, and there’s absolutely nothing they can do to make it go away. It’s in the past, and it needs to remain there.”

  “That’s not how life works. You understand that better than most anyone I know. It’s one of the most wonderful things about you. What did that man do? Tell me now, or I will go over there myself and demand he do it instead.”

  Addie would do it without hesitation. Which is why she’d never told them about what happened to start with.

  But that was past now because there was zero way to get around it. So she told her mom, trying to edit as well as she could, knowing her mother would sense it if she hedged too much.

  At the end, Addie Franklin was angrier than Jessi had seen her in years. She stood and began to pace.

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I just didn’t want this. This right here! You upset and feeling bad. For nothing because you can’t change it. I didn’t tell Mick or Adam for the same reason. I stay away from the Robertses with the exception of the only one worth a damn. It won’t happen again.”

  “You’re darned right it won’t.”

  Uh-oh. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that man hurt my baby and it’s my job to make sure it never happens again.”

  Great. Addie Franklin in savior mode. She’d burn everything down and salt the earth once she got this far.

  “Mom, you can’t. Please. Please leave it alone. It’ll make things worse, and Mick will feel like it’s his fault. You know he will. And his father would be glad of that. Adam has enough guilt too. I’m sorry I burdened you with this, but I’m begging you to let it go.”

  “Only if you tell them. Mick and Adam need to know. If you tell them, I’ll let it go unless they get anywhere near you. That’s as good as you’re going to get from me, so I suggest you take me up on my offer with a smile, a hug, and a thank-you. I need the hug anyway. I’m so sorry.”

  Jessi went into her mom’s arms and let herself be a little girl for just a moment. “Thank you. I love you, and you don’t have anything to be sorry about.”

  There was no awkwardness, only that sense of comfort that being around her parents always brought. They continued to work for several more hours, taking breaks here and there, until her mother headed home.

  Jessi didn’t want to tell them. She hadn’t actually promised her mother she would. But that felt dishonest, and eventually Addie would circle around to be sure Jessi had done it.

  She almost felt sorry for Mick’s parents the next time they came face-to-face with the Franklins. Almost. It would come out eventually, and to try to protect Mick as much as she could, she had to tell him.

  But not right that day or anything.

  It was already after six thirty and to be totally honest with herself, she wanted to be with Mick and Adam, so she texted them to see what they were up to. In five minutes, Adam stood at her door with a smile.

  “Hi.” She took him in as he moved toward her. In a suit. He looked fantastic. Like sex on legs. Wearing really great shoes.

  “Damn. Today has been a Monday and a half, and here I am with you and it just fades away. How you do me, angel.” He smiled as he came close and pulled her into his arms. “You look like everything I need.”

  A thousand compliments couldn’t mean as much as one from this man. “Sorry it’s been a hard day. But I’m glad you’re here, though I have no idea why since I just texted you to see what was going on in your world.”

  “A nearly impossible to please client. Permitting issues. The usual. I came because I was on my way home when you texted. I wanted to see you. Touch you. I’ve been thinking about you all day long. Earlier today Mick texted me to say he’d driven you in this morning, so I thought I’d give you a ride home tonight.”

  “Here I am,” she managed to say when really all she wanted to do was drag him to a flat surface and have her way with him.

  “Have you heard from Mick tonight?” he asked brushing her hair out of the way to drop kisses on her neck and ear.

  “He says he’ll be leaving work at seven and is coming straight home.”

  “Let’s meet him there. Plus if we get home first I can have you all to myself. I’ve wanted you riding my cock since I had to leave you with Mick this morning.”

  She hummed her agreement with that idea.

  “Let me lock up and grab my stuff. I’m bringing more to your place.” She’d intended to make this a statement but it sounded slightly uncertain at the edges.

  “Why do you make that sound like a question when you know I want you there?” Adam’s expression softened.

  Maybe she knew, yes. But. “There’s what you know here.” She tapped her forehead. “And what you know here.” She indicated her heart. Jessi wanted to fling herself into this because it was truly everything she wanted. But she restrained herself because being cast aside again would break her heart into so many pieces there’d be nothing left.

  “Okay. I understand. I’m frustrated by it, but I understand. I want you with me. Always.” Adam cupped her cheek and she leaned into his touch.

  “I want that too.” Which was the truth.

  He smiled. “All right then. We’re in accord. Let’s get your stuff and go home.”

  Adam hated that question in her gaze. Hated that she had every right to have doubt because of how he’d acted.

  Once they got home he opened her door and took her hand before they went inside. He’d simply show her more of how much he wanted her. She needed to know. Deserved to know.

  “Was thinking of grilling tonight. What do you think?” he asked, settling on the bed to watch her move through his space, filling it with her scent, her things.

  “You cooking for me? I think, yes please.” She turned from the drawers she’d just filled with her clothes. “I can do the sides. What are we grilling?”

  “I’ve got some steak.”

  “Yum. I’ll take a cruise through the supplies to see what sorts of things I can put together to go with.”

  It was totally, wonderfully normal. A dinner with his woman.

  And his man. That part was a little extra. Not abnormal by any fucking stretch, but certainly not usual. And yet, right.

  Her phone beeped and she reached over to look at the screen. “It’s Mick. He said he had to take care of something last minute and was hoping to be here in an hour or so.”

  Adam didn’t mind. Not really. One-on-one time with Jessi would be a good thing. “Tell him we’ll keep his dinner warm.”

  She texted him back and put the phone on the dresser.

  “Want music?” he asked.

  “Yeah, that’d be nice.”

  He got up to turn on the promised music, and once TV on the Radio’s “Careful You” began to play, he went to Jessi.

  Taking the clothes from her hands and putting them aside, he pulled her to his body and began to sway.

  Adam had missed this. This sense of belonging he hadn’t felt anywhere in his world except with her and Mick.

  Jessilyn Franklin was his home.

  “God damn I love you, Jessi.” He pressed a kiss to her

  “Show me,” she said as she tipped her head back to look up into his face.

  He would. Every moment of every day.

  He pulled her shirt free, shoving the cups of her bra down to pinch her nipples until her gaze went glassy and her breath caught.

  The urge to shove her to her knees and fuck that beautiful mouth tore through him with so much force he nearly grunted.

  Her focus sharpened, which made him even harder. She paid attention.

  Adam buried his face in her neck, breathing her in as she smoothed her palms down his back for a moment.

  Then her nails found him. Digging in, urging him.

  Inciting him.


  He bit her hard enough to leave a mark and she cried out. But it wasn’t a distressed sound by any means. No, Jessi loved what he’d done.

  He licked and nipped his way over her collarbone, pausing at the hollow of her throat before ending up at her opposite shoulder.

  “Get these jeans off,” he told her as he made himself step back.

  She pouted so prettily he leaned in to pinch that juicy bottom lip between two fingers for a moment.

  Triumph shone in her gaze.

  “Careful how far you push me, angel. I’ve got years to make up for. Every man you’ve been with needs to be stripped from your memory as nothing but inferior.”

  The laugh she gave was breathy, a little shaky, and he liked that a great deal. Wanted to affect her the way she got to him.

  Once her jeans were off she looked up through her lashes at him. “What if I want to strip all other men and women from your memory the same way?”

  He hauled her close with a hand at the back of her neck. “None of them ever could have been a shadow of what you are to me. You’re indelible, Jessilyn.”

  Startled by how much he’d just said, exposed to her, he was silent as she watched him. “Good,” she said at last. “I only share with Mick.”

  Again, she’d known exactly what he needed. A little tease to ease the emotional vulnerability.

  But that didn’t mean she couldn’t still shake him to his core.

  “And for the record, even when I was living with someone else, there wasn’t anyone for me but you and Mick. Now, panties too?”