Wolf Unbound Page 11
“Okay, we can live at your place. For now. And I’m buying us a new bed. Today.”
“Thank you, Tegan. I know this is difficult and I appreciate all you’re doing to work with me. I’ve been meaning to get a new bed anyway. I don’t suppose my luck has held out long enough for you to have reconsidered not being on this team?”
“I laugh at your feeble attempts.”
Standing, he moved quickly to her, pulling her against him. “You need to be sure to get a four poster bed. Sturdy.”
He loved the way her eyes blurred just a moment and a sexy smile curved her lips. “That so? You use those toys on any other women? Because the woman and the wolf won’t be having any of that.”
“No, ma’am. The toys I’ve used on you are all new, I bought them for you. I’ll be sure to get rid of any old stuff. The rope is new but since that got shredded when, well, when we bonded, I’ll need more. We’ll need more.”
“Good. Now, I have to get to Cade’s. I’ll see you at two for the meeting.” She rifled in a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a ring with two keys on it. “Here. House and garage.” She gave him the code to the security system but he walked out with her, leaving when she did. He didn’t want her to be out there alone when he could be there too.
* * *
Tegan walked through Cade’s garage and up into the house. Milton, Tracy’s crazy three-legged dog, barked and bumped her with his head until she bent and scratched behind his ears and gave him a squeeze. Damned dog was nearly as irresistible as Ben was.
“So without further ado, are things okay?”
“Hi, Nina, good morning to you. No, traffic wasn’t too bad today.” Tegan poured herself a cup of coffee and rolled her shoulders. She hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before.
“Har. Now that your attempt to be cutting has failed miserably you were going to tell us about Ben.”
Tracy, who’d wandered in and grabbed a bagel, sat at the table, laughing.
“Yes, things are fine. More than fine. I’m moving into his house this weekend.”
Nina grinned. “I take it he finally admitted the truth of the bond? That he loved you and not just fucking you?”
“He did. We talked a long time in between other things. Anyway, we’re good. There’ll be trouble in the future, he’s very much like a male wolf. He’s as stubborn as Lex, if such a thing is possible. Not pleased at all I’m going to be on the Pellini team. I told him to get over it. Puhleeze, does the man not get that I’m a freaking werewolf? He’s seen me change, it’s not like he hasn’t dealt with Lex in a full-on rage. Still, it’s kind of nice in a stifling and yet sort of cute guy way.”
Nina hugged her. “Yes. When they’re not being annoyingly overprotective, they’re good in bed, they carry groceries and are nice to look at. I’m glad he finally came to his senses. Tracy said he looked like he wanted to kill Josh last night.”
Tegan told them about Ben’s reaction and they were all still laughing as Megan came in and they traded notes between shifts.
* * *
Ben looked up as the wolves entered the conference room. He’d felt Tegan come into the building a minute or two before. Odd, like she came into his thoughts and he felt her as if she were in the same room. A whisper at first and then it grew stronger as she got closer.
He tried to keep in mind she was there in an official capacity but when she sat next to him, he reached out to squeeze her hand briefly under the table. The need to touch her rode him when they were together.
“Agent Harrison Benoit, you know everyone?” Ben motioned from the task force agent around the table.
Benoit nodded until he came to Tegan and sensual awareness seeped from him as he tipped his head in her direction. “Not everyone.”
Ben wondered if he was feeling what Tegan picked up from Benoit or if it was just his guy sense picking up when another man scoped out his woman.
He neatly leaned over and touched Tegan in clear view as he looked Benoit in the eye. “This is my fiancée and one of Cascadia’s Enforcer team, Tegan Warden.”
Tegan’s lips fought a smile as she nodded her head toward Benoit.
“Ah. Nice to meet you, Ms. Warden.” Benoit looked back to Lex, who made no attempt to hide his gloating smile and Ben wanted to smack him.
“Getting down to it, shall we? We’ve received a coded message from Jack Meyers. Pellini has demanded the National Mediator position be filled by one of his own people.”
Lex and Cade both looked shocked. That would make both the Fourth and the Third, the Mediator, positions held by Pellini loyalists. It was also commonly believed that Jack Meyers was on Pellini’s side too even though he and Templeton Mancini, the National Pack Alpha, were working to stop Pellini. Essentially Pellini would have the entire top governance within the National Pack in his power. Or so he’d believe.
Gabe Murphy, Tracy’s second mate and National’s previous Mediator, spoke over the phone line. “Well, that’s bad. What are they going to do?”
“Templeton has asked for an envoy from each Pack in the National Council to go to Boston to meet. Jack will supposedly try to corner you all to see where you stand but really, he’ll be gathering strength against Pellini. The member Packs will have to rise up and demand the position not be filled by a Pellini loyalist.” Benoit sat back in his chair and watched them.
“Explain to me please. National Council?” Ben had been working with the wolves for a few years but there were so many things he didn’t know about their culture still.
“Well, you know the National Pack is essentially the one Pack that holds the most power. The other Packs nationwide are like satellites. Mainly they’re left alone to do their own thing but National takes on issues like lobbying for laws to protect us, making sure each Pack behaves and doesn’t prey on humans, that sort of thing. Within each Pack there’s an Inner Circle—the Alpha and Enforcer are First and Second and then a Third through Fifth are the next strongest wolves. They’re the governance of each Pack.” Cade took a sip of water before continuing.
“So there are forty-five Packs in the United States and of those Packs, the five strongest Packs have a seat on a National Council. A sort of Inner Circle of all the Packs. Cascadia holds Second. Calling for a meeting of the NC is a big deal. Templeton is exposing himself to challenge if wolves see him as weak.”
Well, yeah, Gabe was right, that wasn’t good at all. “So each Pack in this council goes and you all tell Pellini to shove it and he’s gone?”
“We don’t know where two of the five Packs stand. Great Lakes, the largest and most powerful Pack, is on our side. They’re actually the most affected by Pellini as his group is a Pack that broke away from Great Lakes and they run a lot of their crap through Chicago, the seat of the GL Pack. We’re pretty sure Yellowstone are in with Pellini. That leaves Granite and Siskiyou. Granite like to be left alone. They’re going to be annoyed at Templeton’s call to Council and they’re very old school, fought coming out to the humans. Siskiyou are wild wolves, the Pack is large, the third largest in the country. I’ve never been able to get a very accurate bead on them.” Cade looked to Lex, who sighed.
“We need to get a group together. Gabe, how many in an envoy?” Lex asked.
“I’d say you’d stay this side of not insulting if you took four.”
“We’ll have to call our own Pack Inner Circle together to discuss this. Lex will obviously decide who goes, this is a security issue.”
“You won’t be going?” Ben asked Cade.
Tegan snorted. “No. Alphas don’t go. You have no idea what it’s like to deal with five Alphas in one room. Nothing would get done as they measured their dicks over and over.”
Megan barked a laugh at Tegan’s comments and Ben just shook his head.
“You know, I’m missing those days when you glowered qu
ietly all the time.” Lex sent Tegan a dark look but his lips twitched. “Most likely we’ll send our Third and three from our Enforcer team. I’ll stay back with Cade, as will all the other Enforcers.”
“Jack also indicated he understood humans would also want to keep an eye on this. Ben, you’ll go, naturally, as will I. Once we know where the meeting is to be held, we’ll set up surveillance,” Benoit explained, making notes on his PDA.
“Okay, I’m going to try to make contact with Jack, to let him know we’re on it,” Gabe said. “You know where I am if you need help or expertise. I can give you the specs on most of the Pack buildings they’d use for a Council meeting. Trace, babe, I miss you.”
Ben looked up at Tracy Warden’s face and she smiled. “I miss you too. We’ll be home tonight.”
“Good. I took my vitamins today.”
Tracy laughed. “I love you.”
Gabe returned the sentiment and hung up. The rest of the wolves got up and made for the door.
“It’s near quitting time, Tee. Why don’t you head home for the day? Inner Circle will want to meet tomorrow anyway. I’ll double the shift.” Lex touched his sister’s shoulder and she leaned into him. Ben noticed they touched each other a lot but he was still glad the Pacific Pack Enforcer had kept his distance.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, you have some bed shopping to do, I hear. Nina would chew my ass if I made you come back to the house for twenty minutes. And anyway, you deserve a life.”
Tegan hugged her brother, rubbing her face along his jaw. “Thanks, Lex. And thank Nina too.” She turned to Tracy and hugged her baby sister and Nick as well. Josh laughed, winking at her and then Ben before nodding his head and leaving the room.
“I’m going back to my office. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Ben, about travel arrangements. Nice to meet you, Tegan.” Benoit took Tegan’s hand, shaking it. “Congratulations, by the way. When’s the wedding?”
“We have to work out those details. You’ll be invited.” Ben put his body between them and Tegan laughed softly.
When the room emptied out, he pulled her against his body, breathing her in. His system calmed, nerves smoothed. “Hi there.”
“Mmm. Hi to you too. Are you near quitting time? I borrowed one of Cade’s trucks to move the bed so you can come with me to shop for it.”
“I have a few things to do. I did make you a set of keys though.” He handed her a ring. “I’ll try to hurry up or you can wait here. I have to meet with another officer on a case. I may be an hour or so.”
“Nah.” She kissed his jaw. “I’ll go now. Am I sleeping at your place tonight?”
“Our place and I sure hope so. Don’t even think about moving stuff without my help.”
“Ben.” She writhed against him, firing those quieted nerves and igniting his need for her. “I’m a werewolf. I can move a bed. Seriously.”
“I’ll call you when I’m done.”
He walked her to her borrowed truck and kissed her again before she left.
Chapter Ten
But one hour had been six as something broke on a case Ben was on and he didn’t get home until after she’d gone to sleep. She registered his body sliding against hers during the night and his murmured I love you.
She woke up the next morning and showered as silently as she could. Still getting used to being in his place. Her toiletries took up half the counter now and she liked the way it looked. Liked her stuff in his house.
Her wolf had been satisfied at the lack of any woman’s scent but Tegan’s as well.
She made herself breakfast and was sipping a cup of coffee when he stumbled into the kitchen.
“I’m so sorry,” he said as she came into his arms.
“Ben, you’re a cop. I get that your hours aren’t going to be nine to five every day. It’s okay. You called. I’m not mad. Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“I have to go in this morning and interview some witnesses. The new bed is nice. Where’s the old one?”
She poured him a cup of coffee and he helped himself to the eggs and bacon on the table, settling in next to her.
“In the garage. I covered it all but you’ll want to get to it or it might get wet out there.”
“I don’t have any sentimental attachments to it. It’s just a bed I picked up a few years back. There’s a domestic violence shelter I work with from time to time, I’ll give ’em a call today and see if they need one. You want to make a date for dinner tonight?”
“Lex called last night, the Inner Circle is meeting at eleven today. It should be over by the time my shift is up. If all goes well, I’ll be home by five thirty or so.”
“Good. Because I have something I want to try on you.” One of his eyebrows rose and she laughed, blushing.
“Well then, I’ll rush home.” She rose, rinsing off her plate and putting it in the dishwasher. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tonight.”
He walked her to the front door, kissing her soundly before she left, leaving her brain in a muddle the whole drive over to Cade’s.
* * *
Ben was going to flip out. Tegan took a steadying breath before hefting the box of her stuff and moving to the front door.
“Hey, let me help you.” He met her in the living room, taking the box and kissing her. The house smelled spicy and savory. “I just opened a bottle of wine. Where do you want this box? I’ll put it there while you change into the clothes I left on the bed.”
“It’s a box of clothes so the bedroom I suppose. Hmm, you’re going to dress me up?”
He laughed, following her into their room and putting the box off to the side. She saw the beautiful emerald-green kimono-style robe lying on their bed.
“I’d like to.”
She turned to face him, saw the look in his eyes and a shiver worked down her spine.
“Okay. It’s lovely.” She drew her fingertips over the cool, smooth silk.
“Like you. I saw it last week. Yes, while we were fighting. I had to have it because I knew you’d look beautiful in it.”
“I suppose now would be a good time to establish whether or not we start this part of our lives and drop everything from the outside or whether we fight first and then fuck.”
Sighing, he sat on the bed. “Well now, that doesn’t bode well. I suppose I’d say we deal with the outside first and then move to the other. I prefer for the other stuff, our sexual life, to be totally separated from any strife. So go on, tell me.”
It probably would have been easier if she’d been wearing some slinky robe. She began to move about the room, putting her weapon away, unpacking the box of clothes.
“I’ve been chosen to go to the National Council meeting.”
“You have not!” He jumped up and moved to her. “You are not going to that meeting, Tegan. It’s dangerous.” He crossed his arms over his chest and gave her his bad-cop face.
“At the risk of channeling Nina, duh. That’s why I’m going. Recall our conversation yesterday and this morning about the whole danger thing being part of my job. I’m very good at what I do, it’s why Lex is sending me. I know it upsets you and I’m sorry for that. But I’m not sorry I was chosen to go, it’s an honor my Enforcer thinks so highly of me. Just like you being chosen to go means your boss thinks highly of you.”
Thank goodness she’d spoken at length about this with Nina earlier. Nina had explained Ben would be mad and attempt to be bossy but cautioned Tegan not to lose her temper. Nina had been right that Tegan would keep the upper hand if she let Ben blow off steam but never let it be a question of her going.
Nina was positively, delightfully evil that way. No wonder Lex walked around confused but very happy most of the time. It was a matter of letting the dude be all bossy and pissy but never letting the argument be about some
thing she wouldn’t change change her mind on.
“Why are you being so calm about this?” Ben thundered.
“I know you’re upset. I know you’re worried. But you’ll be there too, we won’t have to be separated, which is nice, don’t you think?”
He snorted and began to pace. “You’re avoiding the subject, Tegan. I won’t have you putting yourself in harm’s way like this.”
She ignored that last statement. “No I’m not. The subject is not whether I’ll go. I’m going. The subject is your feelings about it. I know you’re pissed. I’m sorry for it. I don’t want you to be upset.”
“Then stay the hell here and be safe!”
She laughed. He was really quite adorable when he got this way. She moved to him, placing herself in his path to halt the pacing and slipped her arms around his shoulders.
“We’ve already gotten past that. It’s going to happen, you know it. I’ve let you rail about it and it’s over unless you want to have sex with your hand and talk to yourself because I’m done now. I promise I’ll look way better in that green silk than your hand will.”
“Tegan, please. This is insanity.”
She kissed him softly. What was insane was the fact that she was a freaking werewolf and he was a human. He was the weaker one but he worried for her. So sweet, this gruff man.
“It is. But it’s my job and you have your job and we already discussed that very salient point and agreed to work through it. This falls into the category of my world. This is wolf business and this fucker has harmed my family and he threatens my people. He’s got to be stopped.”
His spine lost its stiffness and she knew she’d won.
“Fine. You’re going to drive me to an early grave. Should of found myself a woman who listened. Who was all nice and took orders. Oh no, had to get a bossy one who shoots guns and likes hand to hand,” he mumbled as he undid the button of her jeans.
“You love it and you know it.”
He harrumphed and pulled her shirt up over her head.
“I do love that you wear sexy stuff under your work clothes.” He kissed her pulse, his tongue filling the hollow of her throat just a phantom of a moment before moving away.