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Falling Under Page 8

  Still, he promised her some romance. Back deck. Stars and beer. “We should go over to my place. I promised you beer. I have food too.” He spoke around kissing across her collarbone, through the thin material of her blouse.

  “We will.” Carmella slid her fingers into his hair, tugging him to her mouth. He kissed her and forgot what he’d been planning to do before.

  “Are you trying to distract me?” he teased.

  “I’m trying to nail you.”

  Startled, he paused a moment before he burst into laughter. “My fragile flower.” He nipped her chin.

  “Fragile flowers get trampled. Can’t afford to be fragile.”

  But there was something distinctly vulnerable about Carmella. Something that called out to him. Spoke to him. Made him want to soothe and defend.

  He didn’t say any of that.

  He needed to seduce the trust out of his skittish redhead. Slowly and surely. She was wary. Enough that Duke was sure there was something in her life—past or present—that had left some deep scars.

  But he wanted her to open up. Wanted her to look at him with the same unguarded pleasure she did only very rarely now.

  So he’d take his time and do a lot more showing than telling.

  He unbuttoned the front of her blouse, exposing a far fancier bra than she’d had on a few days prior. Navy blue against her skin so pale she seemed to glow in the golden, end-of-the-day light flooding the kitchen.

  Another flick of his wrist and the front of the bra came open, her breasts bared to his gaze. His touch.

  “You requested nailing?” Duke murmured as he took her right nipple between his teeth, tugging until she arched on a yes. “Handy you have a skirt on.”

  “I’d never leave such a thing to chance.”

  Of course not. That made him so hard his skin seemed too tight. He stepped back as she wriggled free from one leg of her panties all while getting his belt, jeans, and boxers out of the way, his cock in her fist in what felt like forever but was more likely to have been less than a minute or two.

  He hated to stop her, but he had to bend to grab the condom in his pocket. Knowing he’d be inside her shortly was finally enough to work up the nerve to move.

  “Stay right there.” Duke kept one hand on her hip, not wanting her to fall, and grabbed the condom with the other, ripping it open with his teeth and rolling it on.


  She was slick and hot, ready for him. But he lowered his mouth to her pussy, replacing his fingers. Her gasp and the way her grip tightened in his hair only drove him harder. Need beat at him in waves as he floated on her taste.

  He wanted his scent all over her skin. His marks on her body. He wanted to drive any thought of any other man at any other time out of her head.

  She tightened against him, straining as orgasm hit her, he kept going for a few more seconds before standing, sliding into her pussy. He’d planned to fuck her hard and fast, but once he’d gotten all the way inside, he had to stop, still, and concentrate to push back climax.

  He’d masturbated in the shower just an hour before and he still had such whisper-thin control when it came to her.

  “So good. You feel so good.” He kissed her as he began to move in hard, deep digs. She drew her knees up and he braced his hands on the other side of the narrow counter, bending over her body as he did.

  “Just so you know, I’m going to be having you again. We’re going to relax and have some food and then we’ll get to it.” He kissed her when she stretched to meet him halfway. “For now I think you need to finger your clit. Make yourself come around my cock.”

  She swallowed hard, her pupils going wide. But she did it, a hand sliding between them.

  Her pussy tightened, inner walls fluttering as she began to stroke.

  “Soon I’m going to watch you masturbate. You’re so pretty when you come.”

  Carmella’s breath caught as she heated even more.

  “Not going to last much longer when your pussy does that.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Don’t make me wait.”

  He went to his toes each time he slid all the way inside, crushing her hand between them, and in a few more breaths, Carmella let out a strangled moan and came, slick and fast all around him.

  There was no way he could have held back at that point. No way the sweet, tight squeeze of her body could be denied.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” he murmured and came, holding her fast against him, heart hammering in his chest.

  Carmella had come out of her shower and heard him in her kitchen. He’d done something to make life easier for her and who wouldn’t like that? It was pushy, but not in a creepy way.

  When she’d entered the kitchen to find him on his knees, his love for fixing things lighting his expression, she’d let herself admit she was more than flattered. More than appreciative.

  That he’d taken the time to not only fix the oven but do all the research it took to get him that far was something no one other than her family had ever done. Her ex had been useless. A pretty, lazy con artist who led with his dick because his brain was far smaller.

  Duke’s behavior fed that part of her that wanted to be worthy. She knew that was dumb, but sometimes a tiny voice said it anyway.

  And then he’d looked so happy that he’d fixed it and had been so sexy and had grabbed her and kissed her and, well, did all that.

  He was so good at sex. Carmella knew she’d be sleeping well that night.

  They sat on his deck, the stars beginning to sparkle overhead. A beer dangled from Duke’s fingers while Carmella ate even more lemon curd cookies.

  “You need to move those away from my reach,” she said, watching Ginger happily gnaw on the new chew thing Duke had for her.

  “I don’t think so. I like watching you enjoy them.”

  She turned, one brow sliding up. “Are you saying I eat too much?”

  He burst out laughing, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. “A man’d be a damned fool to say, much less believe, such a thing. No, darlin’, I like your expression when you’re doing something that brings you pleasure. Fucking is my favorite, but I’ll take what I can get.”

  He was so charming it made her slightly desperate. He was a lot like the charismatic men she grew up around. Most of them were fucking idiots who couldn’t keep a job. But the men like Craig and her uncle were different. Duke was too.

  But she’d be a fool to think too much more of that.

  Instead, she would enjoy this. The heat between them. The way he made her feel when he touched her. It was new, exciting. At that precise moment she was satisfied. Happy.

  That was more than enough.

  “Tell me, did you always love to fix stuff?” she asked him.

  “It was necessity at first. We didn’t have much so we had to fix things or go without. My mom would deny it now, but she was an excellent plumber when I was a kid.”

  That’s how Carmella had started sewing. Hand-me-downs from Craig and things from the thrift store were the bulk of what she wore so she had to figure out how to repurpose things. Her aunt had given her a sewing machine for her thirteenth birthday.

  She still used it. The thing was a workhorse and had been repaired more than once. But Carmella knew it, and it loved her as much as she loved it.

  Duke spoke again, capturing her attention. “And then I realized I wasn’t only good at it, I loved it. Machines are rad puzzles I loved to solve. I still do.”

  “Wow. That’s nice. I’m glad you do something that makes you so happy. I bet your family is proud of you.”

  He paused a little longer than normal and she cringed that she’d asked and hit a nerve. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  He snorted, reaching out to take the hand finally empty after shoveling cookies into her mouth so busily. He kissed her palm. “Sweet. I want you to pry. It’s fine. Please don’t apologize. My parents came up very blue-collar so they take financial security and respectability really seriously after wo
rking their asses off to be well-off at last.”

  There was a slight edge of something in his tone. Regret maybe? Bitterness? And when he continued speaking, it was gone, the smooth, laid-back veneer in place once more.

  “So, as you might have guessed, they think owning a business like Twisted Steel is unstable. They wanted me to go to college and get a good job like my younger siblings have done. But over the last two years or so things have gotten a little better.”

  Part of her, just a small part, thought, They don’t want you to be like me. But she knew Duke didn’t believe that so it was easy enough to let go of because a far bigger part of her was outraged that they didn’t see just what their son had built.

  “Nothing like a mention in Celebrity magazine, numerous front-page articles in newspapers, and the cover of Time to lend credibility, eh?” Carmella kept her tone light.

  “Yes!” He chuckled. “Though they’d prefer it if I did my job in chinos and a polo shirt, at least they’re finally understanding what we’ve built here.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “I think they’re coming up here when we do the grand opening party for the new showroom in September.”

  They’d better. If not, Carmella might need to make a trip down to Southern California to pay them a visit herself.

  “Good. They should. Going to be quite the party.”

  “As long as the contractors finally get it all done. I can’t believe how stressful it is to have other people building stuff for you. I get how some of our clients feel now.”

  Carmella laughed and laughed. “Please. Asa glowers at them if they’re even half a day behind. They’ll finish on time if for no other reason than that.”

  “His grumpy attitude does come in handy at times.”

  “He’s only hard on the outside. Now you?” She pursed her lips as she thought about it. “You like to come off soft, all laid-back and mellow. But I’ve seen glimpses. You’re not soft.”

  “I was for about ten minutes back at your house after I came last.”

  He tried to joke it off when he wanted to change the subject. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it, and like the others, she let him. If he wanted to tell her something, he would. But she understood not wanting to deal with stuff. Not being ready to think about something or just being totally over a situation that would only upset you if you if you dug back in.

  “Tell me things, Carmella.”

  So damned charming.

  “Like what?”

  “Get to know you things. Like, what do you do as a hobby?”

  “I sew. I read. Watch movies. Oh, I love to scour garage sales and used bookstores.”

  “I didn’t know you sewed. Though the shelves jammed with books at your house and the way you always have a paperback and your digital reader with you were pretty big clues you were a reader. Sexy.”

  Carmella leaned back, looking up at the sky as the last of the purple had bled into black. It was warm and the air smelled like freshly cut grass and the blooms on someone’s rosebush.

  “Sewing is sexy? That’s a new one.”

  * * *

  Duke looked over at her, all relaxed, eyes on the sky above. She had a smile on her mouth. One he’d never seen her give anyone else. Or hell, in public.

  “I meant reading. But to be totally honest, the idea of you sewing makes me hot too.”

  “Color me surprised.”

  He laughed. “Can I confess something to you?”

  “Uh-oh. Let’s hear it.”

  “It turns me on when you clean stuff. And probably when you would sew too. When you set the office in order and that sort of thing, it’s so unbearably hot. It’s all I can do to get through the day because it makes me hard.”

  She turned her head to look at him. “Maybe everything makes you hard.”

  “Well, certainly it doesn’t take a lot to get a little tingly. My cock is always happy to tingle a little. But this is different. Anyway, it’s hot. I’d watch you sew any day.”

  “All righty then.” She didn’t sound horrified in the least. “I’ll try to be less orderly at work so you don’t have to go through that.”

  “Darlin’, it’s sweet suffering. I promise you that.” He paused. “While I’m confessing things, I should also tell you I saw you getting fucked from behind in your kitchen. It was over a year ago. But … I can’t apologize because it was hot and gorgeous and I’ve wanted you ever since.”

  She gave him a raised brow. “I know you did.”

  “What? Wanted you?”

  Carmella sat straighter, tucking her legs beneath her. “I know you watched. I knew you were there.”

  Surprise arced through him. “You did?”

  She laughed. “I did. Are you shocked?”

  “Not shocked. Surprised? You keep me on my toes. I guess I didn’t expect you to be so …”

  “Filthy? Dirty? Turned on by knowing my hot inked neighbor was watching me get fucked? Are you scandalized I got off on a little exhibitionism, knowing it was you watching?”

  He swiveled in his chair to face her. “What a constant surprise you are.”

  Carmella tsked. “And this is good or bad? What exactly did you expect that makes me so surprising? Hm?”

  He found himself sweating, cock throbbing in time with the pulse hammering in his head. “It’s good. Really good. I didn’t know you before. Not really.”

  She laughed, but there was an edge to it. “You don’t know me now either.”

  “Working on that part. But what I do know, I like enough to want more.”



  What are you doing on Saturday?” Duke asked as he caught up with her after work the following Wednesday.

  “I have some stuff to do early on, but I’ll be free by ten or so.” Carmella was getting used to his attention. He wasn’t obvious while they were at work, which she appreciated. But he brought her in treats every day. Just that afternoon he’d brought in a new mug for her desk.

  Wonder Woman. Her favorite.

  He really was sort of perfect, which made her even more wary.

  Not enough to stop seeing him. She hadn’t been this happy in a very long time. A new romance, her mother was having a good period, her new job was more like home—all things that filled her with a sense that things were looking up and she was content to imagine they’d remain so.

  “Mick invited us to spend the afternoon out on his boat. Asa and PJ will be there too. I figured we could take some lunch.”

  Carmella paused at the door to her truck. A group date thing? She tried not to show any panic.

  Duke opened it and she got in.

  “You look like I just said I was a cannibal.”

  That was enough of a shock to make her laugh. “Well, you are pretty good at eating my pussy.”

  His smile got very cocky. Making him even harder to resist.

  “I am, huh? Well, I’m happy that’s the case ’cause I sure do like eating it. As for the boat, we’re seeing each other. Asa and Mick know. Obviously PJ knows. It’s just a fun thing so we can all hang out. Nothing more than that.”

  It was weird that he understood her so well. “Uh, sure. I’ve only been on a boat a few times. Mainly ferries. But it looks fun.” She could even do the lunch as a thank-you.

  “Good. You sure you can’t come to the track tonight?” He got a little closer and she snapped her seat belt like it kept him back, which it didn’t.

  “I have errands to run.” Pills to drop at her mom’s place. She wanted to check in with her aunt and uncle too. “It’s not like I won’t see you tomorrow.”

  “I like it when you watch me race.”

  He gave her a look so potent that if it wasn’t her mom waiting, she’d have canceled and given in, heading to the track.

  “I like to watch you race too. Luckily, you do it all the time.”

  “Fine.” He winked and she rolled her eyes.

  “You really don’t like it when you don�
�t get your way, do you?” she asked.

  “Not when what I want is more time with a certain gorgeous redhead I know.”

  “You’re so full of it.”

  He kissed her right there in the parking lot! And she didn’t stop him.

  “I half expected you to whack me upside my head for taking liberties with your mouth in a public place. But then I remembered you like the idea of being seen and I took my chances. Because your mouth is worth it.” Duke’s voice had gone huskier, whiskey rough instead of honey smooth. It never failed to send shivers through her.

  “You’re using your sex voice. Also this is work, not you peeping like a perv through my kitchen windows.” But Carmella smiled a little as she said it and his answering grin told her he took it as the tease she meant it to be.

  She liked getting to know him. Really liked what she found out with each new thing. Again the perfect stuff made her a little jittery.

  “You bring it out. The perv in me and the voice.”

  Before he did anything else to seduce her, Carmella pushed him back enough to get her door closed without hurting him. “Have fun tonight. Win all your races and try not to break anything or get a black eye.”

  “Aw, gorgeous, you know I can’t make promises like that. I will win, naturally. As for not breaking anything or getting a black eye? Well, I’m not superhuman. Drive safe. I’ll see you later.” He squeezed her hand quickly and stepped back enough for her to pull the truck away.

  Duke had worked outside most of the morning. It’d been a gorgeous Saturday morning and he needed to trim the hedges around his front steps. It also, not entirely coincidentally, gave him a view of Carmella’s little driveway spot and her front walk.

  He wanted to see her. Had stopped pretending otherwise a few weeks before. And if he could sneak in some fantastic sex before they left to spend the day on the boat, even better.

  He also wanted her to share with him about what her errands consisted of. She was rarely still when she wasn’t at work. He knew she was close with her uncle and cousins and she mentioned her mom living in the area too. But she didn’t share much more than that and he was hungry for details.