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Thrice United Page 7
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Page 7
Nate brought his lips to her neck and his hands moved from her hips around to cup her ass, his hands brushing against Rhett’s thighs, and the two of them stiffened for a moment. Holly’s mewl of pleasure brought them both back to action.
Rhett broke the kiss, pulling back from her lips slowly, and looked into her eyes so deeply it felt as if he was looking into her soul. “Soon,” he said softly and, touching Nate’s arm for a moment, left the house.
When the door closed behind Rhett the silence was heavy and thick. Nate stared at her long and hard and she felt a flutter low in her belly. She hadn’t felt this ridiculously giddy since the age of seventeen. He made her feel like a girl experiencing her first real crush.
There was something so overpowering about him. Where Rhett was stylish and suave, Nate was dangerous and edgy. Rhett wore Perry Ellis and his hair had one of those cuts that looked effortlessly rakish but cost two hundred bucks at a salon where they got you a glass of wine while you waited. Conversely, Nate’s dreadlocks came to mid-back. His pants were leather and laced up the sides. His black motorcycle boots had silver buckles up the side. His T-shirt had the sleeves cut off and he bore tribal circlet tattoos around each of his biceps. Many men paid big bucks to look dangerous. Nate was dangerous.
“Will you come upstairs with me to my room, sweetness?” His voice was low and silky. But there was something there, energy thrummed along her spine as he spoke. She felt how tightly he reined his actions. There was a precipice there and she stepped out with only Nate to guide her over.
Gulping like a cartoon character, she nodded. The smile he gave her was not reassuring. It did not say, everything will be all right. It said, I’m going to take you places you never dreamed existed.
Putting a hand at the small of her back, he guided her up the oak staircase leading to the second floor. Pretty colored-glass sconces were set into the walls, casting a warm glow over the stairs and hallway.
Nate opened the door at the very end and stood aside, waiting for her to enter first.
Once inside she was too shocked by the sight that greeted her to even hear him close the door behind them. Astonished and no small amount titillated, Holly gazed around the room openmouthed. An incredibly large four-poster bed dominated one wall. A wall that held rings above the head of the bed with cuffs hanging from them. Opposite where she was standing there were shelves that held things that, while she couldn’t tell anyone their specific use, she knew enough to know they were sex toys.
Walking to the large dresser, Nate caught her glance in the mirror hanging there. She watched his reflection as he picked something up just out of her view.
Keeping his back to her, he said in a low, velvet voice, “Holly, sweetness, come here.”
She took a faltering step followed by another and another until she reached him.
“Do you understand that I would never harm you?” His face was serious as he asked, looking at her still in the mirror.
She nodded mutely, not having to hesitate for even a moment.
Turning slowly, he touched her cheek with his thumb. So much gentleness there it made her ache. “I’m going to take your blood tonight and in turn, you’ll take a bit of mine. You’ve already done so two nights ago, but this will be part of the circle. There are some words to say to complete the ritual, and afterward we’ll be bound. In vampire culture we’ll be seen as married.” Her eyes widened and he softened his voice. “Are you afraid?”
She thought about it for a moment and then shook her head. She wasn’t. Not of him. She was anxious about the situation. Worried about her future. Wondering about what it would be like when she stood naked before this incredibly gorgeous man, but she had no fear at all of him.
The corner of his mouth lifted a bit. “Take my shirt off.”
Yippee! She reached out and when her fingers brushed over the taut flesh of his abdomen they both gasped at the contact. She had to tiptoe and he bent down a bit but she managed to pull the shirt off.
It fell through her nerveless fingers when she took him in. Holy cow! Mouth watering, her eyes greedily devoured every bit of him that was uncovered. His abdomen was not just flat, it was hard. His bellybutton was an outie and bands of muscles ridged his lower stomach and disappeared beneath the waistband of his pants. His very low-slung pants. So low that his hip bones showed.
Up her eyes dragged, over the broad, muscled chest with the flat nipples, the left one bearing a silver ring. His shoulders were wide and as defined as the rest of him and she wanted to eat him up in three greedy bites.
Finally managing to bring her gaze back up to his face, she was greeted by an arrogant smile and look of total self-assuredness. Despite herself she grinned at him and he threw back his head and laughed.
“Do you like what you see, sweetness?”
“Uh-huh,” she replied, feeling incredibly well-spoken.
“Want to see more?”
She couldn’t even manage an “uh-huh” this time and so she settled for an enthusiastic nod.
Holding his hands to the side, he tipped his chin at her. “Go on then, sweetness. Take me, I’m all yours.”
She felt like it was Christmas morning. Running her palms up the impressive wall of his chest, she gloried at the feel of his muscles jumping beneath her caress. Bolstered that she was having an effect on him, she leaned in and put her cheek against his flesh and breathed him in.
He was warm and hard against her cheek. His heart pounded reassuringly beneath her ear. Something deep inside her roused at his scent. It was comforting and exciting, home and adventure all at once. It was right.
Her hands traced over the muscles of his shoulders and back, down his spine and along the waistband of the pants until they came to the front. Smirking, she went about unlacing them, making a delighted gasp when she saw he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Zippity doo dah!! Wasting no more time, she pushed the pants down over his thighs. And what thighs they were! Muscular and hard just like the rest of him.
When she bent to pull the snug leather from his body, she ended up kneeling before him. Eye to er, eye with his cock. The lure of the heated skin so close to her face was too much to resist. Leaning in, she brushed her cheek over his cock, breathing him in. The scent of his sex settled into her system, affecting her deeply. She kissed the blunt head and tasted the salt of his semen, the taste bursting through her.
“Wait.” Bending down, he gently pulled her upright.
“I thought you said you were all mine?” she said with a slight pout.
“I am, but there are a few things we need to get out of the way first.”
“What’s more important than what I was doing?”
A smile threatened to come over his face. “You aren’t as shy as you seem at first glance.”
“Well, duh! I mean, after the supertight leather pants come off what’s the point of being shy?”
Nate liked Holly. Aside from the lure of the chemicals that made her his mate, she was interesting. She had this inner core of strength that he admired. And she was funny. His life had been so serious for so long. She brought some much-needed laughter into it.
“Holly, take off your clothes.”
“You’re awfully bossy.” Her voice was quiet as she nervously twisted the hem of her shirt in her hands.
“When it comes to sex I’m very bossy.” He tipped her chin up so that he could look into her eyes. “Is that a problem, sweetness?”
“Huh?” she said, mesmerized by the curve of his bottom lip.
Pulling her close, he brought his lips against her own in a crushing kiss. His cock dug into her stomach. His hands held her to him by her upper arms. She was utterly swept away by the act.
After kissing her senseless he pulled back and looked deep into her eyes. “I like to be in charge, Holly. In the bedroom especially. I’m a dominant man.”
“No kidding.” She grinned at him.
“I’m being serious. I saw you look at the hooks above the bed. Do you know wha
t they’re for?”
She turned and looked at them again. “Holding onto for balance? Plants?”
Raising an eyebrow, he continued to bite back a smile. He pulled off her shirt before she could make herself any more nervous about it. Her skin was like milk, so pretty and creamy. The fingertip he ran along the curve of her breasts just above the edge of the lacy bra she was wearing left gooseflesh in its wake.
She blushed at his scrutiny. Undaunted, he reached around and undid the hooks on her bra and slid it forward. Still, she kept her arms crossed so it didn’t slide all the way off.
“Holly, don’t hide from me.” His voice was gentle but steel edged it.
“Easy for you to say,” she mumbled, eyes downcast.
“Why is it easy for me to say? Am I not standing here totally naked to your gaze?”
She got pissed then and gestured to him. “Uh yeah! Hello? For god’s sake, Nate, have you looked in the mirror lately?”
He looked utterly clueless, which only made her angrier. “In case you haven’t noticed, you are fucking delicious, Nate. Gorgeous. Major major hunkalicious. I on the other hand am not.”
He narrowed his eyes at her and turned her to face the mirror as he stood behind her. He pulled the bra all the way off and made quick work out of stripping her jeans off. Before stripping her of her panties, he grinned up at her as he caught sight of the front panel bearing the cartoon face of a cat.
“What? Everyone loves a little pussy.”
He barked out a laugh. “You’re a delight, Holly.”
Once she was fully naked, he took her wrists and put leather cuffs on them and laced a sturdy-looking silver chain through them. Wide-eyed, she watched him as he pulled her arms above her head and attached them to a hook suspended from the ceiling, careful to be sure her shoulders weren’t overextended.
“Look at yourself, Holly,” he said. Ordered.
Her eyes slowly moved from his pale green ones to her own in the mirror. Her hair was like a curtain of flame against her flesh. Her back was arched, arms above her head. Her breasts were heavy and large. The neat triangle of hair at the apex of her thighs framed her sex. She resented the sight of the softness of her stomach and the curve of her thighs that she’d always hated.
He took a breast in each hand and weighed them, thumbs coming up and over the nipples.
She was transfixed by the contrast of those large hands, dark against her own pale flesh, elegant fingers moving around her nipples.
“You’re so beautiful, Holly. Inside and out,” he whispered into her ear, bringing a shiver as the heat of his breath flowed across the sensitive skin there. He smoothed his hands down and over her stomach and through the curls shielding her pussy.
“I need to taste you. Here,” he said, running his tongue over her neck. “And here.” He pressed his middle finger through the folds of her pussy.
“Oh my,” she whispered and he gave a chuckle so wicked that she grew moist and lethargic just hearing it.
“Are you still all right with offering me your blood, sweetness?”
Somewhere, she found the energy to look up to meet his eyes in the mirror and nod. He whispered in her ear what she needed to say and she licked her lips and very softly said, “You and I, we are one. One heart, one soul. My life force is yours for pleasure and for sustenance.”
With hooded eyes he nicked her flesh open and covered it with his mouth while she watched.
Shivers worked through her as she felt her blood leave her own body and enter his mouth. Each pull was like a tug on her clit. When he stopped, moving back to lave his tongue over the wound to close it, her climax bloomed within her and she pulled against her bonds and cried out, back arching, going up on her toes.
He put his lips to her ear and repeated the words back to her and then, keeping his hands at her waist to support her, he walked around to face her and took her lips. The metallic tang of blood coated her tongue and she realized that it wasn’t just her blood but that he’d nicked his own lip and she was taking his blood into her body. The thought was scary and yet erotic at the same time.
Total disorientation swam over her and she experienced double vision. She swayed a bit in Nate’s embrace and he moved his lips away but kept her within his embrace.
“Shh, it’s the bond. Close your eyes a moment and you’ll get used to it.”
She pressed her face into the warmth of his chest and breathed him in as he held her. The beat of his heart and the rhythmic stroke of his hands up and down her back comforted and gentled her.
Some time later she heard a tap on the door and felt Rhett come into the room.
“Jesus, you’ve chained her up already?” Rhett murmured as she felt him move toward them.
Nate laughed and it rumbled against her face. “Do you object, Rhett? Doesn’t she look exquisite this way?”
“She does,” he agreed. “I love the way your hair is like a cloak of fire over your back,” Rhett said, pressing a kiss on her shoulder.
The nausea and disequilibrium passed and she carefully opened her eyes and felt the world adjust with relief. “I thought that it was like having both of you inside of my head before but this is way more than that.”
“The mate bond is sort of like the integration of our senses together. I can feel your excitement, Holly. The wetness between your thighs. I can feel the way that it turns you on to have Rhett standing behind you, the material of his pants brushing up against your ass. I can feel your fear, your feelings of inadequacy.” Stopping, he looked at her closely and the depth of tenderness in his eyes nearly tore her apart. “So alone. Oh, sweetness, you’re never alone with me and Rhett in the world.”
Tears welled in her eyes and her bottom lip trembled as she fought off her turbulent emotions.
Nate reached up and unhooked her hands but left her wrists bound to each other. He led her to the bed and laid her down on the cool comforter. She looked up at them both and watched as Rhett pulled his sweater off and then shrugged out of his slacks and socks.
The two of them stood side by side, naked. Staring down at her. She flushed scarlet.
“It’s our turn to bond, Holly,” Rhett said, lying down beside her on the bed. “I took a lot of blood from you night before last so I’m just going to take a taste and you’ll do the same.”
He brushed a hand down her body and marveled at her curves. She was so beautiful. He couldn’t believe he’d never thought of curvaceous as hot before but she was luscious and delicious. His blood pounded in his ears as he moved down her body.
“I’m going to turn on the shower, she’ll be cold when you’re through,” Nate said quietly to Rhett, who looked up at him and nodded.
Holly had to hold herself with a will of iron to resist writhing under his gaze. When he parted her thighs and nuzzled the sensitive space where her leg met her groin she moaned and spontaneously said the binding words to him.
He nicked her and again the shooting pulses of desire as he drew blood from her pushed her into orgasm. He was suddenly on top of her, weight supported on his upper arms, cock teasing her sopping wet pussy folds. Speaking the words back, he then broke open a wound on his wrist and she licked at it and instead of being creeped out, the flavor, his flavor, burst through her system.
Knowing what to expect this time, she kept her eyes closed as the feeling of not double vision but triple vision hit her. She felt Nate in the bathroom, setting out towels and pretty-smelling shampoo and soap, warming the room with the heat lamp. She felt the space where she was lodged within him.
Rhett undid the restraints and kissed each wrist and she felt her place within him as well. His total contentment with the situation puzzled her. She felt him brush up against the walls she had constructed around her heart. His resolve to break through those walls gave her a moment of utter terror. He meant to strip her bare of her defenses and make her see what it was to be his mate.
Saying nothing, he helped her up and into the b
athroom where Nate waited in the shower stall.
Although calling it a shower stall was absurd. It was nearly half the size of her apartment and had three showerheads. Built-in benches ringed the walls.
Holly took the hand Nate held out to her, climbing into the enclosure with him. The sharp edge of his hunger for her slammed into her, doubling as Rhett joined them.
Nate gently moved her beneath a showerhead and she groaned as the hot water warmed the gooseflesh that had erupted.
Rhett’s hands slicked over her body, soaping her up, and she had a moment of total incredulity as she saw the situation from the outside. Two gorgeous men with her. Naked. In a shower.
Holly Daniels was going to have hot kinky sex with two vampires. “Hee!” she giggled and both men looked at each other and laughed.
She lathered up Nate’s chest while Rhett massaged shampoo into her scalp. She moved her soapy hands lower and he thrust his cock between her slippery palms without a bit of hesitation.
She found herself pushed back against the cool tile, Rhett’s mouth on hers, his tongue sliding against her own. A whimper escaped as he nipped her bottom lip. A gasp followed when Nate’s lips cruised down the column of her neck and found a pouty nipple, sucking it into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth.
Reaching out, she had Rhett’s cock in her hand and would have grabbed Nate’s but he’d slid down her body and put her thigh up on his shoulder. When he parted her with his thumbs and stared his fill, she made an embarrassed sound. Nate stilled her as she tried to pull away, a big hand at her hip, while Rhett pushed her harder against the tile.
Her mortification at being spread open to his gaze that way was gone the moment that Nate swept the flat of his tongue through the folds of her pussy. Rhett’s mouth moved from her lips to her nipples, holding her breasts close together so that he could lap across them both at the same time.