Coming Back Read online

Page 7

  “Impatient.” Adam raked his nails over the bars through Mick’s nipples. “You just came.”

  “True.” Jessi waited, her gaze sliding all over Adam’s hands on Mick. “You’re the only one who hasn’t come yet.”

  “Don’t worry, love. You and Mick will make it all worth the wait.” He might be sated. After a few weeks. “Jess, get the condom on my cock and then let’s get Mick’s ass ready for me.”

  She made a soft ooh and Mick grinned, jutting his hips forward, already beginning to get hard again.

  “That what you want, baby? Hmm? My cock in your ass? Fucking you incoherent?” Despite the rough words, he meant it. Wanted to hear Mick ask for it.

  “Yes,” Mick snarled. “That’s what I want. Fuck me.”


  Jessi got the condom rolled on and then lubed him over the latex.

  “Want this face-to-face,” Mick said.

  Jessi climbed to the bed, settling in, ass perched on her heels as she kissed Mick and whispered in his ear. Mick’s eyes closed and his lips lifted into a smile so sweet Adam immediately wanted her to make him smile that way.

  “I told him watching you two was the best fantasy come to life,” Jessi said quietly as she got her fingers slick, pouring the lube over them and Mick’s asshole at the same time.

  “Yesssss,” Mick groaned out as she slowly worked one finger in. “It’s been a while since I’ve had more than fingers or a toy in there. Fuck yes,” he told Jessi as she added a second finger.

  Adam didn’t say out loud that he’d only fucked other men to prepare himself for Mick. It was the same for Jessi. His cock hurt, he was so hard, needed to come so desperately.

  His hands still smelled of Jessi. He tasted her on his lips. Watched her with one fist wrapped around Mick’s cock while the other hand slowly opened his asshole. The sheer taboo of it juxtaposed with how right it felt because it was Adam/Jessi/Mick made the hotness nearly mind-blowing.

  “Love.” Adam stepped between Mick’s legs. He moved the fingers Jessi had been using on Mick and replaced them with his own. Needing to gauge how ready Mick was.

  And then he was pushing his cock in ever so slowly as he tried not to come immediately at how hot and snug Mick was.

  He’d take Jessi too. Needed to mark her as much as he needed to mark Mick. It was enough for the time being that he still smelled of her, enough that the three of them were together again.

  “More,” Mick urged.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Adam tried to hold Mick back from pushing himself completely onto his dick. “Not like this,” he added.

  “The burn is part of why it feels so fucking good.” Mick wrapped his legs around Adam’s ass and hauled him all the way in. Adam nearly shouted a curse and Mick arched on a groan.

  Jessi watched, flushed, eyes wide, her hands clasped on her lap.

  “You like what you see, angel?” Adam asked her.

  She nodded.

  Adam bumped against Mick’s gland and they both grunted.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Mick intoned, nearly a prayer as Adam gave up trying to hold back. He wanted this. Mick was hard again, red and flushed, his belly slick from where he’d been leaking.

  “Jerk yourself for me,” Adam said.

  Jessi gave him a little lube and settled again, just watching, smiling like a girl who got everything she wanted for her birthday.

  Inside, Mick tightened on each thrust Adam made when he hit Mick’s sweet spot. Over and over as Adam got closer and closer to climax. Mick’s movements, which had been sure and steady, got erratic as his body tightened so hard around Adam he had no choice but to come.

  Adam kept coming as Mick shot all over his belly and chest, thrusting until he finally managed to stumble back to pull out and head to the bathroom quickly.

  When he returned, Jessi had cleaned Mick’s belly and chest off and they’d settled onto his bed talking quietly. For a moment he reacted to their connection, which had always seemed a little surreal. But they turned to him and smiled. Jessi held her hand out. “You’re back. Come over here.”

  And he did.



  Where are you going, angel?” Adam’s sleepy voice reached her as she got to the door leading to the garage.

  He was beautiful as he came to her in nothing more than very low-slung sleep pants. Rumpled. Even his hair was cocky.

  “I have to go to work. Lord above, Adam, you are so beautiful.” She smiled, caught up in him.

  He pulled her close, burying his face in her hair at her neck. “When will you be done?”

  “Not until the evening.” She had a fitting and then finish work on a wedding dress she was set to deliver to a bride in two weeks. She also hoped he didn’t realize she’d stolen one of his button-down shirts.

  “Will you text me when you’re finished? Or come back?” He touched his forehead to hers.

  “If you want me to, yes.”

  The sex had been great and she’d woken up feeling better than she had in years. But it was still wobbly and she didn’t want to be the one who screwed up first.

  “I do want you to. I know we’re all busy, but we need to make time. Text me when you’re ready.” He kissed her. “And for the record, I don’t want you leaving without saying good-bye.”

  “You both looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you. You were both very busy making me come all night long.”

  He gave her a look. “I don’t want to wake up not knowing where you are. I’ve done that more than enough for the rest of my life.”

  She cupped his cheeks and tiptoed up to kiss him once more. “Fair enough. I did leave a note. It’s on the table. My address and info are on it along with an extra key I had. You two have to share until I get another made.” Not that they’d want to be in her tiny little space when Adam’s giant bed was available. But she wanted them to always feel welcome.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what is it I have to share with Adam?” Mick joined them, coming to hug her from the side, kissing her temple.

  “I only had one extra key to my place. I left it on the table with my note. I’ll get another one made soon.”

  Mick frowned. “You’re going somewhere?”

  She laughed. “I have to meet a client in about an hour and I need to change and get ready. I already told Adam I’d let him know when I finished up in case you wanted to do something tonight.”

  “Of course we do.”

  Adam rolled his eyes. “See?”

  “Okay fine. Sheesh. I have to go or my client will see me do the walk of shame.”

  They both walked her to her car and Adam opened the door for her. She promised, once more, to let them know when she finished up and then drove away with a big smile on her face.

  Once she got home—or her temporary home until she found a bigger place—she showered, tried not to obsess over all the pretty marks they’d left on her skin, and got her head back into work.

  The next hours were filled with a fitting, a lot of hand sewing of sequins, and detail work, so when she looked up to find it was nearly ten p.m. and she was alone, cross-legged on her bed with a backache and eyestrain, she wasn’t surprised.

  How many times had Carey found her this way and chided her to eat or take breaks? Jessi put her work away and stood, stretching her muscles, realizing now how hungry she was.

  Her phone had texts on it from Adam, asking after her schedule. She smiled as she noted how pissy he got the more he asked. Someone hated it when things were out of his control.

  He’d always been a take-charge person. Always dominant. But the way he was now was… more. Like he’d grown into himself. It was sexy as hell and it fit him. But it meant Jessi would have to figure out how to manage all that bossiness or he’d take over.

  She texted him back that she was done and if he was still awake she’d love to grab late dinner with him and Mick.

  He texted back, “Mick and I are standing outside your
front door.”

  Sighing, she headed down to find, yes, two gorgeous men standing outside. She unlocked and smiled. “You have a key I told you to use.”

  They came in, Mick grinning as he kissed her quickly. “We just got here and figured we’d knock the first time.”

  Adam waited not so patiently for his hug and kiss. He looked her over carefully. “Do you usually work this late? This neighborhood is dicey.”

  She rolled her eyes. “This neighborhood is not dicey. Like at all.”

  “Who are those guys down there?” He indicated the couple a few buildings down unloading what looked to be groceries from their car.

  “Don’t know. Want to go introduce ourselves?”

  Adam narrowed his eyes at her for a moment, but she blinked and smiled innocently. He might be the debonair dom and all, but she’d been handling his grumpiness since she’d been in her early teens.

  Mick rolled his eyes. “Give me a tour?”

  She locked the door and turned to them. “It’s not that big a space really. This out here is where I plan to have a few retail pieces. I figure at prom time I might have some dresses, some of my cocktail and wedding stuff too.”

  Jessi led them through to the back where her workshop was.

  Adam paused at the costume currently on the form to his left. “You made this?”

  She nodded. “What do you think? It’s for an opera.” It had taken hours and hours to get all the seed pearls placed just right. But it would glimmer in the stage lights perfectly.

  Adam was awed by her work. He knew she was talented, but this was so much more than he’d expected. This was art.

  “I think it’s fantastic. I’m stunned that anyone could actually make something half this good.”

  She let out a breath. “Thank goodness. I was worried when you got quiet for so long.”

  Mick snorted. “He was wowed by it. Like I was. So you make this stuff regularly? Enough to have this as a job?”

  “That’s my goal. It looks like a realistic one right now. The more I do this, the more people will refer me if they like my stuff. I…” She shrugged.

  Adam pulled her close. “You what?”

  “I tried to do other things. I had a real job while I did sewing on the side. It wasn’t enough. And I’m trying to be done with not enough.”

  He kissed her. “Love.” He never had all the right words when it came to her. It was all what he felt so he put it into the kiss.

  He’d hurt her. More than he’d thought. It humbled him in a way that only Jessi could manage.

  “You’re amazing. You deserve everything.”

  Mick watched them, several expressions crossing his features. They were more careful, though certainly that comfort level had simply clicked into place the night before.

  She hugged Adam and then turned. “Anyway. I have ideas about expanding. But for now this pays the rent on the space and I’ve been sleeping in the loft while I look for an apartment. My parents offered me my old room, but honestly I’m here so late sometimes it’s easier just to sleep here until I find the right place.”

  Adam frowned at Mick, who looked similarly annoyed.

  “I live ten minutes from here. There’s no reason for you to sleep in some closet when I’ve got four thousand square feet to share.” Adam realized after he’d said it just how much he wanted it.

  “I said I was looking, and it’s not a closet. It’s actually cute. Come on and look.” She tugged away, leading them up a rear stairway to a studio-sized apartment with a speck of a kitchen and a bed she’d clearly just been working in if the project still on the coverlet was any indication. There was a small café table and two chairs, lots of bookshelves, and a television so ancient he couldn’t believe it still worked.

  “What the hell? It’s freezing up here.” Mick was truly pissed off when he turned to Jessi.

  “I had the window open for a while. I like the way it smells when it rains. You know that.” Her chin jutted out slightly as she finished, and Adam’s dick liked it.

  Adam growled. “Look, either find this miracle apartment or stay with one of us. You don’t need to live in a tiny space with no damned heat. It’s getting cold. That fridge is making a sound I can hear from here. This neighborhood isn’t safe.” It actually wasn’t bad, but damn it, she had no need to live this way. “Is it money? I know you’re touchy about this, but let me at least loan it to you.”

  “Touchy?” Mick asked.

  Jessi threw her hands up. “Oh my god. I am so hungry! I told you I was hungry, and we’re in here and you two are trying to tell me what to do when, take a look around you, I can do my own living just fine. This place is plenty warm. This neighborhood is just fine, and so is the fridge.”

  “What exactly are you looking for in an apartment? A double rainbow? A prophetic dream? Jesus, angel, why punish yourself when you have all these offers? At the very least let me get my real estate agent on a search for a place for you to rent.” Adam wasn’t going to let this go. He wanted her safe.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and glared. “I know you did not just make fun of me. Feed me or go away.”

  Mick sighed and got between them, sliding his arm around Jessi’s shoulders. “He’s just worried. He didn’t mean to make fun. Let’s all go get something to eat and then we can talk. Pack a bag, Jessi, you can sleep over with one of us. Please?”

  Her lashes swept down and then she squared her shoulders and nodded.

  Mick kissed her quickly. “Adam and I will go downstairs to wait. Unless you need help carrying anything?”

  “No, I’m fine.” She turned without looking at Adam again and began to gather some clothing.

  Mick shoved him out of the room and they headed downstairs to wait.

  “We can’t let her fuck around and play. She either finds a place better than this or moves in with me. I have the room. You both should move in,” Adam said quietly.

  Mick snorted. “We just got back together yesterday. Let’s slow our roll here. You can’t just boss her around like that. Especially with the mocking. I’m not cool with you hurting her feelings.”

  Adam blew out a breath. “I shouldn’t have mocked.” He knew how much Jess believed in her signs and dreams, and he’d just been worried and gotten pissed.


  “Rub it in.” Adam was extra grumpy because he’d been a dumbass and Mick looked smooth in comparison. And because Mick had been right. “I was without you both for too long. I’m being careless.” Adam shoved a hand through his hair.

  Mick caught him around the shoulders to still his pacing and hauled him close enough to kiss him quick and hard.

  “We’ll work this through. It’s Jessilyn. She’ll be laughing and snuggling in fifteen minutes if you just ease back and be nice,” Mick said quietly as they turned at the sound of Jessi coming through to where they waited.

  “My car is out back. Where are you two?”

  Adam held a hand out and she gave him the overnight bag to carry with a shrug.

  “It’s already ten thirty. I know a little place that’s open until two.” Mick tipped his chin. “Follow me to my house and we can head over from there. Since I rode in with Adam, I’ll drive with Jessi so she doesn’t get lost.”

  “I’m much better at that stuff now. I have a GPS in my car that tells me step by step where to go.” Her pout was irresistible, even though she was annoyed with Adam. He took a risk and kissed her quickly.

  “Works for me,” Adam said as they headed out.



  I know he hurt your feelings. He didn’t mean it the way it came out,” Mick said as they headed to his place.

  “I know.” She continued to drive.

  “You’re still upset.”

  “I’m agitated. Not upset. I think that’s called hangry. You know how I feel about being really hungry.”

  He hid a smile. “I do. We’ll get you fed soon. I promise.”

  His h
ouse wasn’t very far away from her shop, about fifteen minutes or so. Enough time for him to chill out and reassure himself she was all right.

  Adam pulled up behind them.

  “He thinks I don’t know he parked me in so he got to drive,” she muttered as they got out.

  Mick took her hand. “He knows you know.”

  She harrumphed, but there was a ghost of smile on her mouth.

  “She’s hangry now, she tells me,” Mick called out to Adam as he came to join them. “I propose we just walk to the diner now to feed her.”

  Adam took her other hand and they walked together the few blocks to Toulouse Petit.

  Several people inside waved to Mick as they arrived, including someone he’d taken home a few weeks before. Mick put an arm around Jessi’s waist to underline that he wasn’t there for anyone else.

  “I’m having a cocktail to go with my food,” she said as she looked through the menu once they got seated.

  “As many as you like, love. Mick and I can carry you home if that’s necessary.” Adam winked and she smiled at him, easing the tension.

  “What did you two do today?” Jessi asked them both once they’d ordered.

  “Fucked. Slept some more.” Mick looked Adam over and then shifted his attention to Jessi again. “Waited for you.”

  “I’m jealous. The closest I got to sex was measuring inseams.” She buttered some bread and bit into it with a sound that had Mick breathing deep to keep his cock under control. Watching Jessi do anything she loved was this way.

  “Let’s talk about your living situation,” Adam said and Mick kept his sigh as quiet as he could.

  “Let’s keep it nice and easy because of course we know Jessi is smart and capable,” Mick said, smiling at the server as their drinks arrived.

  “Of course she is.” Adam raised his glass. “Only connect.”

  They clinked their glasses and sipped.

  The cheese plate arrived and they dug in, not speaking about anything deeper than how good this or that combination was.

  She perched on her chair like a little bird, the pleasure at everything she tasted written all over her. How it was that one person could be as joyously beautiful as Jessilyn, Mick had never been able to fully understand. So he’d fought it because it was scary to imagine it might not be real.